A Case for Minimalism as a New Year's Resolution
How do you spend your time? How do you spend your money? How do you spend your space? Judging by the stats on debt-to-service ratios, stress levels, and storage units I can safely predict that many of you reading this do not have a firm control over your expenses and perhaps more importantly you are not even sure why you spend your time, money , and space in the way that you do. Let me quickly answer the why question... To make you happy. We invest our time, our money, our effort, and our space with the hopes of gaining fulfillment, engagement, peace, and purpose. We want love and respect and rest and connection. To sum it up, for lack of a better term, we want happiness. And despite running deficits, financially and emotionally; despite having full schedules and full credit cards and even fuller houses (couldn't resist), we end up feeling less satisfied than ever. We are terrible investors when it comes to our most valuable resources. Enter the minimalist movement. Firs...