OCD with Scrupulosity: When morality becomes obsession

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often perceived as hyper-organizational behaviours such as closing doors repeatedly or washing hands until the skin is raw. In reality there are various subsets of the OCD condition, one of which is often called scrupulosity in which the primary anxiety has nothing to do with germs or cleanliness rather it is the fear of being guilty of religious or moral failure. In this case the sufferer fears that their efforts, which are often intense and excessive, are still not good enough in the eyes of God or their own moral compass. While a typical sufferer of OCD might become obsessed with germs getting them sick, this particular form of the condition strikes the individual at their core. Their fear is that they are morally or spiritually inadequate and they risk eternal consequence because of it. This condition can be particularly insidious for the following reasons. First, treatment for OCD in the form of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies is highly ...