#UnpopularOpinion : Good ideas that are political suicide

I would love to run for office one day. The whole election process sounds utterly terrible and frightening but I think it would build a lot of character to peak behind the curtain of public office, elections, and public service in general. There's one problem. The research that I have done on policy has convinced me that almost every idea that I believe to be subjectively 'good' is at the same time painfully unpopular. And it's not like these ideas are unpopular because of ideology, because I have ideas that get panned from both sides of the political spectrum. Here is my list of unpopular opinions and why I think they are good ideas. Have an open mind, I'm open to the fact that I could be, and most likely am wrong on many of these, nonetheless, until I see contrary evidence, this is where I stand. This list sticks to fiscal ideas although I concede that every fiscal policy has social implications. They are in no particular order. 1) More consumption taxes ....