Sympathetic Joy: an effective and free antidepressant

When it comes to interventions that can be used universally, or in other words, to large groups of people, I have always been a fan of teaching mindfulness and positive visualization exercises. This is where I would have people close their eyes, breath deeply, and visualize some kind warm pleasant thought that would highlight the positive that there is in their life. Sounds fine right? There was one glaring problem to this intervention... It was self-centered... And so is depression. When you focus on yourself and your own ideal life a potential side effect, especially if you struggle with the hopeless and meaningless thought patterns that coincide with depression, is that at best you temporarily escape only to return to your dreary reality, and at worst you increase the discrepancy between your expectations for your life and your actual situation. Depression is seeded deeply in unmet expectations. So for some people, this exercise made things worse. Depression is the sympto...