Podcast Show Podcast - Episode 4 - Ragin' MMA/ Indian Horse

For today's episode found right here I got to sit down my cousin Braeden Crouse who played "Lonnie" in the ground breaking film "Indian Horse" based on the book by Richard Wagamese about the horrors of Canadian residential schools. Braeden talks about how he got the role as well as the various reactions to the film after his high school peers in Burns Lake, B.C. saw it. We then switch gears and talk Mixed Martial Arts. In particular we discuss UFC lightweight, Kajan Johnson who also hails from Burns Lake, and who also has a podcast called the Ragin' MMA Podcast http://raginmmapodcast.libsyn.com / and who went to high school in Prince George, as did I. We specifically touch on Kajan's episode in which he describes his upbringing and how at times he was not on the right side of the tracks so to speak. I share an altercation that I had with Kajan back in 2003 that was a near disaster. Thanks again to Braeden Crouse for joining me on the show and ge...