Why Good vs Evil politics will cost us all severely

"Where they speak out for the rights of a puny group. I will shout for the rights of all mankind. When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclude me I shall draw a larger circle to include them." - Pauli Murray It's really tempting to support a candidate who says she will "fight" for me. I suppose it's good to have someone in a position of influence to fight for me right? But then I start asking, if she's fighting FOR me, then who is she fighting WITH? Who is she fighting AGAINST? If fighting for me means fighting against my neighbour then that will cost me in the end, perhaps more severely than the predicament I found myself in to begin with. I think Ghandi said that "an eye for an eye makes the world go blind." In Alberta, we're entering what is likely to be a highly contentious election with strong opinions and ideologies battling for political real estate. The right wing UCP and their leader Jason Kenney are attempting to establi...