
Showing posts from February, 2019

Why Good vs Evil politics will cost us all severely

"Where they speak out for the rights of a puny group. I will shout for the rights of all mankind. When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclude me I shall draw a larger circle to include them." - Pauli Murray It's really tempting to support a candidate who says she will "fight" for me. I suppose it's good to have someone in a position of influence to fight for me right? But then I start asking, if she's fighting FOR me, then who is she fighting WITH? Who is she fighting AGAINST? If fighting for me means fighting against my neighbour then that will cost me in the end, perhaps more severely than the predicament I found myself in to begin with. I think Ghandi said that "an eye for an eye makes the world go blind." In Alberta, we're entering what is likely to be a highly contentious election with strong opinions and ideologies battling for political real estate. The right wing UCP and their leader Jason Kenney are attempting to establi...

What is a 'moderate' anyway?

"The only difference between medicine and poison is dosage." Since the days of Aristotle we have understood that there is such a phenomenon as "too much of a good thing," that virtue can become vice. For instance, it's good to care for others but what about compassion fatigue? It's good to eat protein but what happens when your diet consists entirely of steak? (Don't ask Jordan Peterson that question though). I think most people agree that all things in moderation is key for "the good life". But in politics there often isn't anything more distasteful than a "fence sitter" or a "people pleaser" that only says what he or she thinks will get them elected. It's disingenuous.  So why would I be running for MLA in Lethbridge-West as a self proclaimed moderate? Well first we need to look at this concept in political terms. The way I see it there are two kinds of moderates. The first is moderate when it co...

Why I'm running in this provincial election

"Finding out what really improves lives and then acting on it is actually the serious business of government." - David Cameron So if you haven't heard yet, I'm running for MLA, hoping to represent Lethbridge West for the Alberta Party! Why would I submit myself to such public scrutiny? Bottom line, when I look at our overall well-being, I see some systemic problems that need to be addressed. I want to help Albertans have better lives. Politicians focus on money and rightfully so because it's hard to have a high quality of life if you're struggling financially. A strong economy boosts all of us, but there are also some key issues that a government needs to address, outside of dollars and cents, that could alleviate suffering and encourage flourishing in our province. I want to be at the table to help make these decisions. I also want politicians who have a greater allegiance to their constituency than their party, so in order to get a politician li...