Sexuality and Spirituality

We tend to compartmentalize our lives, or perhaps more accurately our identities. Work you. Home you. Church you. School you. Compulsive you.  We do this internally as well.  We divide our  "self" into the physical domain, the intellectual, the emotional, the sexual, and the spiritual among others.  We view each domain as its own separate compartment and divide our time accordingly. "I really should work out today" (physical). "I'm going to set aside some time tonight to study" (intellectual). This practice helps us prioritize our time, make specific goals, and work towards "well-roundedness". 
Often people view spirituality in the same manner. As if there were a percentage of one's life, time, or self that constitutes his or her spirit.  I view it differently. Spirituality is bringing together all aspects of ourself into one. An at-one-ment. Not only is it an intensely meaningful feeling of atonement but it transcends our self. It's an inner connection as well as a connection with something bigger than ourselves, of which we are a part. It's an integration of self and the world around us. Spirituality is connection.
In a similar manner. Sexuality is not just an aspect of our self it runs parallel with the self. We are a sexual being at all times. I'm not saying that we are perpetually aroused rather our sexual identity is an indelible part of who we are. The essence of sexuality is also connection. Connection with our self. Connection with a partner, and to an existential extent; the universe. In fact some have described orgasm as the ultimate moment of at-one-ment with the universe. Sexuality and spirituality boil down to one and the same thing; connection. A healthy integrated person is the same at home, work, church, and play. An integrated person doesn't see their spirituality as religious activity only or their sexuality as sexual activity only. I have a lot of thoughts on connection which I could share another time but if you're feeling unsatisfied or overwhelmed by either your sexuality or your spirituality, perhaps what's needed is more connection with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.


  1. Hey Zac! I'm intrigued by your blog. Very interesting topic. I'd definitely love to hear more on your theories of connection.

    1. Thanks Auria! I just wrote a bit more on connection in my last post. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. Interesting thoughts :) that's for sure...

  3. Hi, very interesting, could you explain how the perception of sexuality as something shameful can be a mayor factor to have an porn addiction. And how that affects the perception of one's self and others as well their spirituality.


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