Keystone Habits - One change that changes everything

In 2012 Charles Duhigg wrote a best-selling book called the Power of Habit in which he discusses the concept that there are "keystone habits" that act as a sort of behavioural linchpins. Having worked extensively in behaviour addictions I saw this concept in action. I observed that some people have habits that, while not taking up much of their day, permeate every aspect of their lives, and in the case of my clients, for the worse. It was incredible to see how many other behavioural changes occurred when people started exercising regularly or stopped looking at pornography. Just one change was initiating a domino effect, providing the individual with the impetus and the motivation to tackle their other previously impossible goals. I have observed this phenomenon recently with my wife Sarah. With her permission I share her story. We have two beautiful girls and on the surface it appears that we have a perfect life. Most people, even in our closest of circles, were not ...