Signs that your fear of not being loved has contaminated your parenting
One of the most paradigm shifting books on parenting out there these days has got to be "The Awakened Family" by Dr. Shefali Tsabary. I admit not everyone will agree with everything she presents but overall I find it immensely helpful as a parent and a professional in regards to developing a philosophy that will guide my parenting. I am working on writing a full review on her book but in the meantime I wanted to quickly share a portion of her book that I felt was appropriate for a brief post. The idea here is that, contrary to popular parenting philosophy, parenting is not about the child. It's about you the parent. Parenting is about raising yourself. What's meant by that, as best as I understand it, is that we often bring our own insecurities into the parent-child relationship and allow that baggage to obstruct the progress of our children. Parenting often becomes most effective when we turn the corrective focus from our children to ourselves. Tsabary uses a hum...