How being more of a producer than a consumer helps you flourish

If there is one thing that Ayn Rand and Che Guevara would ever agree on is that we consume too much in relation to how much we produce. I doubt that there are many of us that could accurately estimate how much media we truly consume. We could track our internet, television, and radio use to the minute but still not even scratch the surface of how much and what exactly we have consumed in a day. We can do our best to limit, manage, and filter what comes through our eyes and ears but it is inevitable that we are going to partake in information and art that was made and delivered by somebody else. So as I lay my case against consumerism I have to concede that we are all consumers and anything that we eventually do produce needs the consumers' support. I think that if and when consumers truly unite we would hold the power to make the ultimate difference in our world but uniting the consumer to do anything beyond spending their hard earned money on cheaply made clothes and food is ap...