Who is on your Fantasy Teaching Team?
As a child (and as a not so young anymore child) one of my favourite past-times has been fantasy sports. Whether through trading cards, action figures, or video games I would design the ultimate starting lineup. In honour of World Teacher's Day I have compiled my fantasy teaching team. I am taking a handful of my most desired experts to teach me each of the typical school subjects. I would love for this to be a "thing" and I'm curious about what your choices are. Have a read and then share this post on your feeds. This could be an interesting conversation.
Thank you teachers for all you do!
STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Neil de Grasse Tyson, renowned astrophysicist and science advocate has both the depth of knowledge and a unique ability to explain complex scientific theory to the lay person like myself. If you have watched Cosmos or his interviews with Stephen Colbert you will see that he is an engaging speaker that would turn science class into an adventure.

Elon Musk, famed engineer, business mogul, and inventor is often considered to be the modern day Thomas Edison. His application of maths and sciences for the improvement of our world is inspiring. Just imagine how much practical STEM knowledge I could gain under his tutelage.

Bill Nye, mechanical engineer, TV host, and probably the most recognizable "science teacher" in the western world. His early 90s videos are still used in classrooms today. Bill Nye is a pro at explaining the intricate world of science and engineering in a way that makes sense to even the most scientifically inept.
Suzana Herculano-Houzel is a neuroscientist of TED fame. As a psychologist I could learn so much from the more "hard sciences" of neuroanatomy and neurobiology.
Language Arts
Malcolm Gladwell, journalist, author, and speaker, who has demonstrated an ability to write persuasively better than anyone else, in my opinion. He takes sound social science research and repackages it in a way that captivates his audience, whether through one of his New York Times bestselling books or his addictive podcast Revisionist History.

Tina Fey, writer, comedian, actor, producer. Nobody has a more impressive comedy writing resume than Tina Fey. She has written sketch comedy, sitcoms, movies, and books. All hilarious. All brilliant. Her ability to use language to make people laugh is a skill I would love to acquire.
Margaret Atwood, poet, author, essayist. She has experience teaching and she has shaped the Canadian literary voice. Apparently she is keenly interested in encouraging people to write so I predict she would be an excellent English teacher.

Noam Chomsky, linguist, philosopher, and author bridges the fields of linguistics, science, and politics. I would enjoy learning from his knowledge of language and its applications in the real world.
Chimamanda Ngozie Adizie, has written critically acclaimed poetry, short-stories, novels, and non-fiction. I am particularly interested in learning from her ability to tell honest and authentic stories from a perspective that is so different from my own.
Social Studies (History, Current Events, Geography, Political Science)

Dan Carlin, podcaster/journalist. Dan is the host of the aware winning podcast "Hardcore History". Nobody tells a historical story like Dan Carlin. His attention to detail and research is meticulous and accurate.
Peter Mansbridge, journalist. I could not think of anyone that would have a more vast and detailed grasp on current events, from a Canadian perspective.

Jonathan Haidt, moral psychologist, has applied psychology to politics better than any other contemporary. He is pragmatic, persuasive, and is perhaps the most important figure in the movement for more civil politics.

Barack Obama, former President of the US of A. Talk about the inside scoop! I think I would be most interested in learning about the journey from optimism (maybe even naivete) to frustrating reality. He won two elections against very game opponents (I can't think of two more likeable, moderate republicans that ran for the big job than McCain and Romney). He inspired a generation only to be handicapped by the bureaucratic beast that is the US political system. His poise in times of starch opposition was admirable. I think I could gain so much knowledge as to how the world actually works if I could take a class or two from President Obama.
Georges St. Pierre, former UFC champion. He is an elite wrestler, black belt in karate and Brazilian jujitsu. He has also demonstrated master level gymnastics, boxing, and muy thai. Georges has been trained by the best in every discipline and has proven he is the best in his own. Plus I can practice my French.
Jillian Michaels, personal trainer. Nobody has made a better living whipping people into shape than Jillian from Biggest Loser fame. She has shown a keen ability to tap into a person's psyche to push them to levels they had never dreamed possible.
Dallas Page, former professional wrestler, acclaimed yoga instructor. DDP has an impressive track record of teaching yoga to some of the most stubborn alpha males with great success. His yoga program has helped elite level athletes get off pain killers so that they can enjoy a healthy quality of life. Plus he could show me a thing or two about pro-wrestling.
Ben Folds, musician. I just saw him live and he is incredible. Nobody plays the piano like Ben Folds. His song writing often seems so simple but at the same time brilliant. His ability to compose music on the spot has been showcased. I feel I could learn so much about musicianship from him.
Josh Groban, artist. Greatest male vocalist in the world today. I'm not sure how he would be as a voice coach but if he could get me to a fraction of his ability to hit notes while capitalizing perfectly on the emotion of a song, I would be ecstatic.
Alanis Morissette, artist. One of the reasons I have selected certain people is their ability to provide insight across multiple subjects. Alanis has written dozens of songs that have resonated with me since my childhood but she is also knowledgeable in the areas of psychology, philosophy, and religion. I would be interested in how she could use musical expression to explore these areas.
Religious Studies
Deepak Chopra, speaker, author. I have always been impressed with his ability to teach principles that transcend religions. I think a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Atheist could listen to Deepak Chopra and agree with not only him but each other. When it comes to politics and religion I seek common ground and Chopra represents that to me.
Mattieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, PhD in molecular genetics. Often labeled as the word's happiest man, Ricard is a master in meditation. He bridges science and Buddhist traditions in a way that is persuasive to even the starkest of skeptics.
Dieter Utchdorf, LDS Apostle. Being able to learn directly from someone so deeply involved in my own religious tradition would help me understand in greater detail the history and context that has shaped who I am. His sermons are intriguing and he has expressed multiple times the importance of including people of all or no faith.
Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher. I find his writings mostly accessible, as if his message is just slightly beyond my understanding which motivates me to want to stretch and grow to catch up to his level. Once again, a moderate voice who applies sound reason to every thesis he defends. I feel like there is so much wisdom to be gained from his experience and thought.
Sam Harris, philosopher, writer, neuroscientist, podcaster. Once again, another pick who could offer me knowledge in many fields. What impresses me most about Sam Harris is his ability to have productive arguments with ideological opponents. He promotes having discussions rather than debates and I feel like I could learn so much from him just in this arena alone.
Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi, Philosopher. Perhaps no prominent religious leader has done more for interfaith dialogue and cooperation than Sacks. He is able to criticize secularism and materialism while maintaining influence and respect within the secular world. With my three philosophy professors in one room I would just sit back with popcorn and enjoy the show.
Dan Ariely, Psychologist. Perhaps the authority on Behavior Economics and motivation. His Ted Talks are captivating and simplified in a way that virtually anyone could follow. His understanding of how we make decisions could enhance the work I do indefinitely.
Jordan Peterson, Psychologist. Politically controversial but academically brilliant, Jordan Peterson teaches psychology from a more Jungian perspective in a way that finally makes sense and seems useful.
Angela Duckworth, Psychologist. Author of "Grit", Angela knows how we can have more self-control and perseverance so that we can get through difficult times. She would be the one that helps me find the grit to get through all of the homework assignments that all the previous profs would be giving me.
Culinary Arts
Michael Pollan, journalist. This is a curious choice at first because he is not a professional chef or nutritionist but his cultural and historical understanding of food fascinate me. I may not be as intimidated by him in the kitchen but he could still teach me more about food and nutrition than most.
Jamie Oliver, Chef, TV Host. I chose Jamie over the many other Food network stars that I adore because I appreciate his passion for accessible nutritious food. The food he makes on his shows are polished and refined but somehow still within the realm of my culinary possibilities. Plus, he is the #1 advocate for nutrition in schools which is also an interest of mine.
Giada de Laurentis, Chef, TV Host. I'm rounding out my culinary team with Giada because although I love food from everywhere, my heart belongs to Italian food. With her help I could take my pasta to the next level.
Stephen Colbert, Comedian, TV Host, writer. You'll notice I don't really have many "serious" actors on my list. Truth be told, if I were to be on stage, my goal would be to make people laugh. Colbert's work on the Colbert Report would be my dream performance. His wit and timing are comedic genius and I would love to learn to perform like he does.
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Actress, Producer. She is an Emmy winning machine. Seinfeld is my all-time favourite show but I had to be honest with myself that it is Louis-Dreyfuss that has more to offer when it comes to acting in comedy. Jerry would be at the top of my list if there was a Stand-Up elective but Julia has stood on every show she has every been on.
Oprah Winfrey, Media Mogul, Producer, Philanthropist. If I were to start a business it would involve trying to make the world a better place. Who has had more success in the self-help industry than Oprah? She is a master story teller and perhaps one of the most influential people in the world today. I want influence to make the world better. Maybe she can teach me a few things.
Amanda Lang, Business Journalist. I miss seeing Lang go toe-to-toe with Kevin O'Leary. I know she has had her controversy but her knowledge of the economy, particularly in the Canadian context would be highly valuable to me as I launch my business with Oprah.
Adam Grant, Psychologist, Professor. This guy is me if I had actually succeeded in anything that I have tried to do. He is regarded as one of the best teachers in the world, he is a highly sought after corporate speaker, and is hella convincing. He has convinces scores of money-hungry corporate capitalists that giving is more advantageous than taking! He is the new Malcolm Gladwell. Read his books now and you will seem really smart later after it becomes cool to do so. I could learn so much from him.
Thank you teachers for all you do!
STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Elon Musk, famed engineer, business mogul, and inventor is often considered to be the modern day Thomas Edison. His application of maths and sciences for the improvement of our world is inspiring. Just imagine how much practical STEM knowledge I could gain under his tutelage.

Bill Nye, mechanical engineer, TV host, and probably the most recognizable "science teacher" in the western world. His early 90s videos are still used in classrooms today. Bill Nye is a pro at explaining the intricate world of science and engineering in a way that makes sense to even the most scientifically inept.

Language Arts

Tina Fey, writer, comedian, actor, producer. Nobody has a more impressive comedy writing resume than Tina Fey. She has written sketch comedy, sitcoms, movies, and books. All hilarious. All brilliant. Her ability to use language to make people laugh is a skill I would love to acquire.

Noam Chomsky, linguist, philosopher, and author bridges the fields of linguistics, science, and politics. I would enjoy learning from his knowledge of language and its applications in the real world.

Social Studies (History, Current Events, Geography, Political Science)

Dan Carlin, podcaster/journalist. Dan is the host of the aware winning podcast "Hardcore History". Nobody tells a historical story like Dan Carlin. His attention to detail and research is meticulous and accurate.

Barack Obama, former President of the US of A. Talk about the inside scoop! I think I would be most interested in learning about the journey from optimism (maybe even naivete) to frustrating reality. He won two elections against very game opponents (I can't think of two more likeable, moderate republicans that ran for the big job than McCain and Romney). He inspired a generation only to be handicapped by the bureaucratic beast that is the US political system. His poise in times of starch opposition was admirable. I think I could gain so much knowledge as to how the world actually works if I could take a class or two from President Obama.

Dallas Page, former professional wrestler, acclaimed yoga instructor. DDP has an impressive track record of teaching yoga to some of the most stubborn alpha males with great success. His yoga program has helped elite level athletes get off pain killers so that they can enjoy a healthy quality of life. Plus he could show me a thing or two about pro-wrestling.
Ben Folds, musician. I just saw him live and he is incredible. Nobody plays the piano like Ben Folds. His song writing often seems so simple but at the same time brilliant. His ability to compose music on the spot has been showcased. I feel I could learn so much about musicianship from him.
Josh Groban, artist. Greatest male vocalist in the world today. I'm not sure how he would be as a voice coach but if he could get me to a fraction of his ability to hit notes while capitalizing perfectly on the emotion of a song, I would be ecstatic.
Alanis Morissette, artist. One of the reasons I have selected certain people is their ability to provide insight across multiple subjects. Alanis has written dozens of songs that have resonated with me since my childhood but she is also knowledgeable in the areas of psychology, philosophy, and religion. I would be interested in how she could use musical expression to explore these areas.
Religious Studies
Deepak Chopra, speaker, author. I have always been impressed with his ability to teach principles that transcend religions. I think a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Atheist could listen to Deepak Chopra and agree with not only him but each other. When it comes to politics and religion I seek common ground and Chopra represents that to me.
Mattieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, PhD in molecular genetics. Often labeled as the word's happiest man, Ricard is a master in meditation. He bridges science and Buddhist traditions in a way that is persuasive to even the starkest of skeptics.
Dieter Utchdorf, LDS Apostle. Being able to learn directly from someone so deeply involved in my own religious tradition would help me understand in greater detail the history and context that has shaped who I am. His sermons are intriguing and he has expressed multiple times the importance of including people of all or no faith.
Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher. I find his writings mostly accessible, as if his message is just slightly beyond my understanding which motivates me to want to stretch and grow to catch up to his level. Once again, a moderate voice who applies sound reason to every thesis he defends. I feel like there is so much wisdom to be gained from his experience and thought.
Sam Harris, philosopher, writer, neuroscientist, podcaster. Once again, another pick who could offer me knowledge in many fields. What impresses me most about Sam Harris is his ability to have productive arguments with ideological opponents. He promotes having discussions rather than debates and I feel like I could learn so much from him just in this arena alone.
Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi, Philosopher. Perhaps no prominent religious leader has done more for interfaith dialogue and cooperation than Sacks. He is able to criticize secularism and materialism while maintaining influence and respect within the secular world. With my three philosophy professors in one room I would just sit back with popcorn and enjoy the show.
Dan Ariely, Psychologist. Perhaps the authority on Behavior Economics and motivation. His Ted Talks are captivating and simplified in a way that virtually anyone could follow. His understanding of how we make decisions could enhance the work I do indefinitely.
Jordan Peterson, Psychologist. Politically controversial but academically brilliant, Jordan Peterson teaches psychology from a more Jungian perspective in a way that finally makes sense and seems useful.
Angela Duckworth, Psychologist. Author of "Grit", Angela knows how we can have more self-control and perseverance so that we can get through difficult times. She would be the one that helps me find the grit to get through all of the homework assignments that all the previous profs would be giving me.
Culinary Arts
Michael Pollan, journalist. This is a curious choice at first because he is not a professional chef or nutritionist but his cultural and historical understanding of food fascinate me. I may not be as intimidated by him in the kitchen but he could still teach me more about food and nutrition than most.
Jamie Oliver, Chef, TV Host. I chose Jamie over the many other Food network stars that I adore because I appreciate his passion for accessible nutritious food. The food he makes on his shows are polished and refined but somehow still within the realm of my culinary possibilities. Plus, he is the #1 advocate for nutrition in schools which is also an interest of mine.
Giada de Laurentis, Chef, TV Host. I'm rounding out my culinary team with Giada because although I love food from everywhere, my heart belongs to Italian food. With her help I could take my pasta to the next level.
Stephen Colbert, Comedian, TV Host, writer. You'll notice I don't really have many "serious" actors on my list. Truth be told, if I were to be on stage, my goal would be to make people laugh. Colbert's work on the Colbert Report would be my dream performance. His wit and timing are comedic genius and I would love to learn to perform like he does.
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Actress, Producer. She is an Emmy winning machine. Seinfeld is my all-time favourite show but I had to be honest with myself that it is Louis-Dreyfuss that has more to offer when it comes to acting in comedy. Jerry would be at the top of my list if there was a Stand-Up elective but Julia has stood on every show she has every been on.
Oprah Winfrey, Media Mogul, Producer, Philanthropist. If I were to start a business it would involve trying to make the world a better place. Who has had more success in the self-help industry than Oprah? She is a master story teller and perhaps one of the most influential people in the world today. I want influence to make the world better. Maybe she can teach me a few things.
Amanda Lang, Business Journalist. I miss seeing Lang go toe-to-toe with Kevin O'Leary. I know she has had her controversy but her knowledge of the economy, particularly in the Canadian context would be highly valuable to me as I launch my business with Oprah.
Adam Grant, Psychologist, Professor. This guy is me if I had actually succeeded in anything that I have tried to do. He is regarded as one of the best teachers in the world, he is a highly sought after corporate speaker, and is hella convincing. He has convinces scores of money-hungry corporate capitalists that giving is more advantageous than taking! He is the new Malcolm Gladwell. Read his books now and you will seem really smart later after it becomes cool to do so. I could learn so much from him.
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